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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A mismatch between worker and work station can lead to repetitive strain injuries.
▪ Drafting Rickey Dudley was a big help, because Dudley can create mismatches by going deep against a linebacker.
▪ Let me take one example of mismatch between individual goals and organizational objectives.
▪ On paper, it was a mismatch.
▪ Reward systems often exaggerate the mismatch by offering the wrong rewards to the wrong people.
▪ That mismatch seems worse than it was ten years ago.
▪ The mismatch of intent and actuality is just how life works.
▪ The rest of this section will illustrate various types of mismatch of vocabulary.
▪ Yet, in the justice game, the mismatch between the opponents is usually that ridiculous.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Mismatch \Mis*match"\, v. t. To match unsuitably.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from mis- (1) + match (v.). Related: Mismatched; mismatching.


c.1600, from mis- (1) + match (n.2).


Etymology 1 vb. To match unsuitably; to fail to match Etymology 2

n. Something that does not match; something dissimilar, inappropriate or unsuitable.


v. match badly; match two objects or people that do not go together

Usage examples of "mismatch".

Here bobs and smiles from both wealthily green-masked puppets and homeless puppets in rags and mismatched shoes and with used surgical masks, all made by E.

He wore an unusual ensemble of mismatched riding garb and his customary wide-brimmed hat.

The nose was both fleshy and aquiline and mediated well between the top and bottom halves of the face, but the mouth was a mismatch of left and right sides that left the lips peculiarly twisted.

The prince had strange, mismatched eyes and platinum hair that harkened back to what his father might have looked like in youth.

A pair of mismatched sentries greeted them from behind the towering metal bars.

I had stood here a week ago and seen the two mismatched pieces of reality clash against each other.

The group of mismatched and poorly trained civilians, most of them with little battle experience, could hardly be called militia.

His bedroom furniture consisted of a box spring and double mattress on a steel frame, one nightstand, and a mismatched chest of drawers.

Organs and blood vessels were warped and displaced, the lungs mismatched and the spleen elongated like a fish.

The men wore mismatched pieces of armor: wooden knuckle mitts, articulated steel greaves, hornmail, ringmail, pothelms, spikehelms, metal plate, boiled leather, coats of shell and bone.

One man in green and yellow plaid trousers, mismatched with a red and blue striped windbreaker, set them all off again.

He was wearing a mismatched, stained, and ill-fitting ensemble, in spite of the elegance of the gathering.

The driver, dressed in mismatched livery, insisted on a fee three times the normal rate, and that in coin.

Those odd, mismatched eyes met his and she smiled, dimpling charmingly.

Caet looked into her odd, mismatched eyes, she saw a keen intelligence, and an understanding that had her wanting to shift on her feet.