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n. (context British slang English) mission


Mish is a traditional Egyptian cheese that is made by fermenting salty cheese for several months or years.

Mish may be similar to cheese that has been found in the tomb of the First Dynasty Pharaoh Hor-Aha at Saqqara, from 3200 BC. It is generally prepared at home, although some is sold in local markets. Peasants use it as a staple food. When ripe it is a yellowish brown color, and tastes sharp, salty and pungent. Products similar to Mish are made commercially from different types of Egyptian cheese such as Domiati or Ras, with different ages.

Usage examples of "mish".

He stood in front of Mish now, his eyes magnified by a crooked pair of wire-framed glasses.

Chip bolted for the door, but Mish swung himself over the wall of the stall and beat him there.

As she gazed at the horse steadily, Mish could see none of the anger that he knew she must be feeling toward the abusive rider.

And then Mish was in an alley, thunder rolling as the first huge drops of rain began to fall.

And Mish quickly turned toward the counter, suddenly extremely aware that he was standing there not only without a shirt, but still nearly fully aroused as well.

And Mish realized with a jolt of shock that the man wore a liturgical collar, streaked bright red with blood.

And as Mish gazed into her eyes, detailed memories of the power and passion of last night came crashing back, full force.

Becca had to work to keep her voice even and controlled as Mish lowered his head to her breast.

She sat across from Mish, her legs curled underneath her as she gazed at him.

It was going to be okay, because there was no way in hell Mish was going to fall in love with her.

He held out a big wet hand for Mish to shake, then pulled him in for an embrace.

Becca might have laughed at the absurdity of the joke, but with Mish, it just was possible.

Finished with her meal, Mish runs her hands along the hem of her dress, and she kicks at the air, and then, hunting for any distraction, she happens to glance over her shoulder.

There was a basket with mish mish and baklawa and mugs of liban -- all manner of good things to eat.

There was a basket with mish mish and baklawa and mugs of liban — all manner of good things to eat.