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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ They have deep misgivings about allowing business values to permeate the schools.
▪ Orkney Presbytery followed suit, stating their very grave misgivings about the procedures followed by Orkney Islands Council.
▪ As Soap beached the craft and ushered the two ashore, Pooley viewed the place with the gravest misgivings.
▪ But Navarre, by then wedded to his strategy, disregarded their misgivings.
▪ It is quite a commitment and I can understand anyone having misgivings.
▪ Luke's dismissal of Elise as a mere client had rekindled all her misgivings.
▪ Mrs Tilling viewed the proceedings with some misgivings, but sat herself down gingerly on the edge of the seat.
▪ Orkney Presbytery followed suit, stating their very grave misgivings about the procedures followed by Orkney Islands Council.
▪ Recall, with misgivings, that what attracted me to Spouse originally was his wit.
▪ Slowly and with misgiving, she went down to greet the Reverend James Longley.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

misgiving \mis*giv"ing\, n. Evil premonition; doubt; distrust; a feeling of apprehension; -- used commonly in the plural. ``Suspicious and misgivings.''

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1600, "feeling of mistrust or sudden apprehension," verbal noun from misgive "cause to feel doubt" (1510s), usually said of one's heart or mind, from mis- (1) + give in its secondary Middle English sense of "suggest." Related: Misgivings.


n. doubt, apprehension, a feeling of dread

  1. n. uneasiness about the fitness of an action [syn: scruple, qualm]

  2. painful expectation [syn: apprehension]

  3. doubt about someone's honesty [syn: mistrust, distrust, suspicion]

Usage examples of "misgiving".

His cricket had frankly been a failure, and the prominence he had gained in his House hardly compensated for the misgivings with which the Chief and Buller regarded his future.

The Uttermost Farthing THE UTTERMOST FARTHING I THE MOTIVE FORCE It is not without some misgivings that I at length make public the strange history communicated to me by my lamented friend Humphrey Challoner.

But neither their beauty nor their impatience had the least effect with the waiter, who prolonged the dinner at his pleasure, and alarmed the Marches with the misgiving that they should not have time for the final palace on their list.

As the helicopters turned back, as Piper nittered and wriggled and tried to pant, and as Root shook her head with misgiving, Milena began to climb the stairs that led to her home.

Christmas, I must suppose, had, like some spell, made children of us again, and it was with palsied terror and trembling misgivings that we had tip-toed up and down the dim passages, from any corner of which some wild screaming form might dart out on us.

My misgivings were instantly aroused and I placed Ramus Ymph under close surveillance.

This was the reason she had swallowed her pride and set aside her misgivings about Company, why she had recontracted with SEC alter they had betrayed her, why she had traveled vast distances, literally and metaphorically: to come to Jeep and study over a million people who had been out of contact with humanity for two or three hundred years.

Planting himself on this ground, surrounding himself with these evidences, the reverential Christian will at least for a long time to come cling firmly to the accepted fact of the resurrection of Christ, regardless of whatever misgivings and perplexities may trouble the mind of the iconoclastic and critical truth seeker.

Aurin Striate first, Triss, Gavilan, Eton Shart, and Barsimmon Oridio after a brief hesitation and with obvious misgiving.

In defiance of any misgivings either Tres or I might have, there was a deep calm soaking into the evening, as soft and cool as the sand underfoot.

It was not part of the thinking of Samoan leaders that independence should make their country a political replica of the western democracies, and the United Nations Trusteeship Council had misgivings about the Samoan proposal for a restricted franchise.

Karyn had already expressed misgivings about the relationship to her mother, and then she confided her desire to break completely with Rich to an old flame, Trux Landall.

No wonder the Tuareg, the fierce, veiled warrious of the desert, called it the Region of Devils, thought Ginger, as he regarded it through the cabin window with inward misgivings.

As for Franklin, Adams had come to France with few if any doubts or misgivings, fully expecting that he and Franklin could work as effectively together as at Philadelphia.

There they anchored in the Gulf of Cambay, off the city of Calicut, and were met with understandable misgivings.