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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A misdemeanour has been committed but the offender has not been caught.
▪ A typical drunk-driving misdemeanour, it said in my paper.
▪ Exxon subsequently withdrew guilty pleas to four misdemeanour charges relating to the spill, thereby formally dissolving the out of court settlement.
▪ It was evidently widely felt that its representatives were capable of more or less any form of major misdemeanour.
▪ On another occasion a relatively small misdemeanour proved unforgivable.
▪ The public eye, too, is alert for misdemeanour in this situation above all others.
▪ Two days later, we all suffered again for one person's misdemeanour.

n. (context British spelling English) See US spelling misdemeanor for definitions.


n. a crime less serious than a felony [syn: misdemeanor, infraction, offence, offense, violation, infringement]

Usage examples of "misdemeanour".

Longton continued to list the misdemeanours, Sharman lost what little remained of his cool temperament.

Now like pus spurting from a boil, there came flooding her mind his constant jocular chastisement of her over petty misdemeanours concerning the table or his personal linen: should she omit to roll his breakfast bun in a napkin to keep it hot, should the white of his fried egg not be crisped brown while the yokes remained soft, he would bestow on her a pained glance.

And the other chief witnesses were members of the criminal class who had, themselves, been convicted of crimes and misdemeanours principally through the activities of Officer Conley.

The Seigneury of Pontiac belongs to Monsieur Racine, and but three days since Madame here dismissed this fellow for pilfering and other misdemeanours.

Glory days on the football pitch, playground misdemeanours, resultant beltings from teachers, pubescent sexual innnuendo and juvenile pugilism.

In fact, our gendarmes have reported 7 crimes, 82 misdemeanours, 159 contraventions, 6 suicides and 15 automobile accidents, three of which resulted in death.

In plain words, if Mister Merry appears for any misdemeanour at the Petty Sessions, he will appear also at the Assizes for the captain's murder and attempted murder on me.

He knows the Public Stores Act isn't so serious and he could well have only a misdemeanour charge for receiving.