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The Collaborative International Dictionary

misappropriated \mis`ap*pro"pri*a*ted\ adj. taken for one's own use in violation of a trust.

Syn: embezzled.


vb. (en-past of: misappropriate)


adj. taken for your own use in violation of a trust; "the banker absconded with embezzled funds" [syn: embezzled]

Usage examples of "misappropriated".

Oliver Seccombe had not misappropriated any Venneford money for his own use, but he had diverted much of it into channels that he could not now explain satisfactorily.

Seccombe had no doubt abused his prerogatives and perhaps had misappropriated Venneford funds for the building of this ridiculous castle, but he was no longer of any central concern.

But it turns out that Coulter misappropriated Friedman's words in a way that has nothing to do with racial profiling or anything else addressed in his column, as anyone who reads it will discover.