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The Collaborative International Dictionary

misalignment \mis`align"ment\ (m[i^]s`[.a]*l[imac]n"ment), n. The act of aligning improperly or state of being improperly aligned.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1891, from mis- (1) + alignment.


n. the state, or an instance, of being misaligned


n. the spatial property of things that are not properly aligned

Usage examples of "misalignment".

Any misalignment between the two would degrade performance of the impulse engines and could be a potential danger to the ship.

The cause of this error was a misalignment of the ballot cards with the ballot books in the voting booth.

They were all nearly invisible, just tiny misalignments in the texture of her skin.

Maybe the old girl's settling in and the misalignments are cancelling out.

This way, his image appeared real, as did mine to him, and his words were automatically translated from Japanese to Spanish, so that except for some unavoidable misalignments we seemed to be speaking each other's languages.

The petty officer didn't sound angry so much as marvelling at Sun's misalignment.