MiroSurge is a presently prototypic robotic system (as of 05/2012) designed mainly for research in minimally invasive telesurgery. In the described configuration, the system is designed according to the master slave principle and enables the operator to remotely control minimally invasive surgical instruments including force/torque feedback. The scenario is developed at the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics (RMC) within the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
The system consists of
- Three to five MIRO robot arms at the operation table,
- Minimally invasive instruments (MICA),
- a HD Stereo endoscope,
- surgical workstation with two force/torque reflecting input devices and stereo vision, and
- a planning suite for the robotic setup.
Besides the semi-autonomous motion compensation, the system exclusively is a telemanipulator at any time and the surgeon at the workstation has full control of the surgical instruments. To change instruments or to introduce the robot setup, and for safety reasons a surgical assistant is present in the operating room (OR).