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mirada is a company specialized in audiovisual interaction, whose formation resulted from the merger of digital entertainment company Yoomedia and the FreshIT. Led by Non-executive Chairman Javier Casanueva and Group CEO Jose Luis Vazquez, mirada forms one of the largest independent interactive audiovisual suppliers in Europe. mirada has assembled an experienced management team, together with a staff of approximately 100 employees experienced in the areas of digital TV, internet, mobile phone services and technology.

mirada operates in the following locations:

London: Head office, Northern Europe & North America sales office. Madrid: Southern Europe and LatAm sales office & software and technology development centre. Exeter: Software and technology development centre. Montevideo: Sales office.

mirada is a public limited company, registered in England and Wales, registered no 3609752. The Registered office is at New City Cloisters, 196 Old Street, London, EC1V 9FR, United Kingdom.

Usage examples of "mirada".

Barriendo con la mirada las torres, los bloques de piedra derrumba­dos y las columnas bañadas en la extraña luz lunar, fui consciente de un aura maléfica, de una amenaza que se ocultaba entre los escombros.

In subtle, unnoticeable stages, in ways that Russo could never quite recall, Nora had altered in three years of married life from a skinny, suntanned, nineteen-year-old nymphct, pretty and shy, into a talkative, opinionated, intolerant young housewife in a lurex headscarf and rollers, organizer of the local church social club, the La Mirada PTA, and a never-ending ten-ring circus of coffee-and-cake mornings, baby showers, and lectures by white-haired evangelists who stank of tobacco.

Con otra mirada me di cuenta de que las lejanas formas humanas habían desaparecido entre las hierbas altas que bordeaban uno de los ríos por los que debían atravesar antes de llegar al lugar en donde yo me encontraba.

La hambrienta manada se alejó de aquel joven de cruel y violenta mirada y de la terrible cadena giratoria y se dieron un festín con los animales muertos de su propia manada, lo que Conan aprovechó para huir hacia el sur.

Lanzando una mirada a la carne de los palos, el aspecto de los mismos me hizo estremecer.