Crossword clues for minoan
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1894, from Minos, famous king of Crete; applied by British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans to the civilization that flourished there c.3000-1400 B.C.E.
Minoan may refer to the following:
- Minoan, having to do with King Minos
Minoan civilization
- Minoan, the script known as Linear A
- the (undeciphered) Minoan language written in that script
- the Eteocretan language, probably a descendant thereof
- the (undeciphered) Minoan language written in that script
- Minoan pottery
- Minoan eruption
- Minoan chronology
- Minoan seal-stones
- Minoan religion
- Minoan Modi, a peak sanctuary in eastern Crete
- Minoan Bull-leaper, a bronze in the British Museum
- Minoan, the script known as Linear A
- Cypro-Minoan syllabary, a script used on Cyprus
- Minoan, an old name for the Mycenean language before it was deciphered and discovered to be a form of Greek
- Minoan frescoes from Tell el-Daba, ancient Egyptian frescos in Minoan style
- Minoa, name of several bronze-age settlements in the Aegean.
- Minoan Group Plc, a Glasgow-based travel and leisure company
- Minoan Lines, a Greek ferry company
- Minoan Air, a Greek airline
Usage examples of "minoan".
With such a sport, in which life or death depended upon an instant, in which a slip of the foot, a misjudgment of distance, or a wavering of hand or eye meant horrible destruction, we may be sure that the tragedies of the Minoan bull-ring were many and terrible, and that the fair dames of the Knossian Palace, modern in costume and appearance as they seem to us, were as habituated to scenes of cruel bloodshed as any Roman lady who watched the sports of the Colosseum, and saw gladiators hack one another to pieces for her pleasure.
Minoan War Office, and refers to the equipment of the Chariot Brigade of the Knossian army.
We followed the old Minoan fashion here in Mesopotama (one of my foremothers much removed had come from Crete, I believe, bringing the fashion with her), and all noble unmarried girls displayed their breasts above their tight-waisted flounced skirts and between the flaring stiffened lapels of their heavily embroidered jackets.
All his experience with Minoan artifacts told him no, that the ship was genuine— but these logical incongruities were weighing heavily.
She had been picking up on the Minoan Linear A, evidently having a ready mind for interpretation.
Evidence for the Minoan Language) opened up a new field of study by showing that an early Minoan script, called Linear A, represented a Semitic language.