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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

common misspelling of minuscule.


a. (context colloquial English) (misspelling of minuscule English)


adj. very small; "a minuscule kitchen"; "a minuscule amount of rain fell" [syn: minuscule]

Usage examples of "miniscule".

Maria had hesitated about donning the wings for a split second until Sonia produced two pairs of miniscule silver pasties from her pants pocket.

The most ancient uncial ink writing extant, belongs to the fourth century, whilst the earliest mixed uncial and miniscule writing pertains to the sixth century.

He felt the outermost limits of his being expanding, and quivering with miniscule outflarings of yellow energy, as if he could drive them away by the pressure of his physical being.

The puppies, Anga and Suma, wiggled their scaled bodies, wrapped their tails around her wrist and crooned with delight while they clung to her finger and sucked their miniscule allotment of blood.

The penetrator sailed off into solar oblivion, adding its own miniscule trace of heavy elements to the untold jillions of tons already there.

He remembered his aunt's cockatiel working on an apple slice, its beak shaving off miniscule pieces while most of the fruit wound up on the cage floor.

The blood clot was miniscule, scarcely visible, and he drew it out, painstakingly and gently.

The sexual dimorphism among the owoc makes the miniscule differences between human males and females positively subatomic.

He had always been afflicted with something of a suspicious nature, and as an exoarcheologist he was trained to draw substantiative conclusions from dozens, often hundreds, of miniscule, seemingly unrelated sources.

Since it wasn't dark yet, going across the miniscule, unmanicured yard would leave her an open target.

Almost at once he licked his lips, turned a sickly fishbelly-white, and looked away, studying the various low-rent furnishings of Feeble's miniscule waiting room -- the three folding chairs, the standing ashtray gray with recent ash, and the coffee table covered with issues of Personality Today.