Crossword clues for minimus
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Minimus \Min"i*mus\, n.; pl. Minimi. [L. See Minim.]
A being of the smallest size. [Obs.]
(Anat.) The little finger; the fifth digit, or that corresponding to it, in either the manus or pes.
de minimis or de minimus a.of trifling consequence or importance; too insignificant to be worthy of concern; -- a reference to the phrase de minimis non curat lex.
de minimis non curat lex [Latin] The law does not concern itself with trifles; -- a principle of law, that even if a technical violation of a law appears to exist according to the letter of the law, if the effect is too small to be of consequence, the violation of the law will not be considered as a sufficient cause of action, whether in civil or criminal proceedings.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1580s, from Latin minimus (plural minimi); see minim.
n. 1 (context obsolete English) A being of the smallest size. 2 (context dated English) The youngest pupil in a school having a particular surname. 3 (context anatomy English) The little finger; the fifth digit, or that corresponding to it, in either the manus or pes.
The Minimus books are a series of school textbooks, written by Barbara Bell, illustrated by Dr. Helen Forte, and published by the Cambridge University Press, designed to help children of primary school age to learn Latin. The books espouse some of the principles of the direct method of language teaching, and are named after the mouse Minimus ( Latin for "smallest", and also a pun on mus — Latin for "mouse") who is known as "The mouse that made Latin cool". There are two books in the series: Minimus: Starting out in Latin and Minimus Secundus. While the first book is aimed at 7-10 year olds, the second continues the series for children up to 13 years old.
The stories presented in each chapter revolve around a family. The family is based on a real family who lived at Vindolanda, in northern Britain in 100 AD. The books feature many artifacts from Vindolanda, integrating real objects into fictional plot lines.
In 2011, it was reported that 125,000 copies had been sold.
Usage examples of "minimus".
Wintringham dipped his brushes into the water jug on the wash-stand that he shared with Bruce Pritchard, shook the water off them on to the stooping form of Coker Minimus, and applied them to the front of his hair.
Coker Minimus, whose round scared eyes looked out over the top of the sheet.
Alastair continued to put down intermittent lunacies and Coker Minimus with the help of one small finger slowly followed the adventures of the black colt.
Coker Minimus, who was looking at her out of the window of one of the nearer dormitories, and making no progress with his dressing.
Patritius, peccator, rustissimus et minimus omnium fidelium, et contemptabilissimus apud plurimos, patrem habui Calphurnium diaconum, filium quondam Potiti, presbyteri, qui fuit vico Bonaven Taberniae, villulam enim prope habuit ubi ego in capturam dedi.
Father Tom and Mama Moogoo went out in their Chevy Minimus for ice cream.
They rarely gained weight in the thighs or the stomach, only in the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, resulting in what her mother jokingly referred to as the gluteus muchomega.
A bucket of water was brought them and they performed their ablutions at a gutter which encircled the chamber, passing along the foot of each wall, as was the custom throughout Minimi, the waste water being carried away in pipes to the fields beyond the cities, where it was used for irrigating the crops.
They had been seen by sentries when they were still a long way off, and a body of warriors rode forth to meet them, for it is always well to learn the nature of a visitor's business in Minimi before he gets too close to your home.
Jannie tenne banco, descrivendo nei minimi particolari la sua seconda tomografia assiale computerizzata, che si era protratta per una buona mezz'ora, poi esclamò: «Ho deciso di diventare medico.
Aveva in testa un'idea e aveva elaborato un piano rifinito fin nei minimi dettagli.
Sembrava che molta gente godesse nel riferire i minimi dettagli delle disgrazie.
Riflettevano l'attenzione esasperante di Willie per i minimi dettagli.
Per esempio, se un estraneo ti venisse descritto anche nei minimi particolari, ti sarebbe comunque impossibile vederlo, per non parlare dell'ambiente e delle cose che lo circondano.
Puntualmente riferiva a Jo-Beth i minimi particolari dell'episodio della sera prima come se le stesse raccontando la propria vita.