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n. (plural of minge English)

Usage examples of "minges".

The minges and noseeums had found her now, so many of them buzzing around her head that her vision seemed to dance with black specks.

Quilla Andersen (only then she had still been Quilla McFarland) said that slapping actually seemed to draw the minges and noseeums .

So Trisha put on the suntan lotion instead-it might keep at least the minges away-and then returned everything to her pack.

The cloud of minges and noseeums were still all around her, but she no longer noticed.

Most of the minges and mosquitoes lifted from her skin and re-formed their cloud.

She washed the mud from her face and hands, looked at the cloud of minges and noseeums already reforming around her head, and reluctantly smeared on a fresh coat of goo.

The air over Fiddlehead Island absolutely shimmered with them, and not just minges and noseeums.

Trisha sat back on her heels for a moment while the minges executed complicated flying patterns around her eyes, thought things over, then nodded.

She could feel eyes crawling on her skin the way the little bugs, the minges and noseeums, crawled there.