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n. (plural of mindpower English)

Usage examples of "mindpowers".

These days, the Dartmouth School of Metapsychology was one of the premier research establishments for higher mindpowers in the Human Polity of the Galactic Mi­lieu, and a favorite object of Fury's scrutiny.

Inside the boxes, which were glassy but not quite transparent, were all the awful mindpowers that Mummie and the meta therapists had tried in vain to coerce out of her during the painful therapy sessions.

The nonborn fosterlings and the hired hands at the family airfarm teased her by calling her Dodo in her early years, when her mindpowers were still mostly latent.

Do you know that there's another kid who has mindpowers almost as en­ormous as mine?

The weaknesses of hu­man nature prevailed and not even the emergence of higher mindpowers was able to save us from civil war.

We're required to develop our mindpowers to the fullest extent whether we want to or not.

It bothered him not a whit that his mindpowers weren't as phe­nomenal as those of his baby sister.

Her use of the higher mindpowers is restricted to her work as a healer amongst her people here in the islands.

Her head was a throbbing drum of pain and her higher mindpowers seemed inaccessible, as though she had forgotten everything she had ever learned about their use.

Anyone possess­ing higher mindpowers, said he, needed to be part of a highly structured, altruistic civilization.

We rode the smoke-belching cog train to the summit of Mount Washington together, and it was there that the boy and I first met Elaine Donovan and made the joyous discovery that there were other people on Earth with operant higher mindpowers besides ourselves.

They were a beleaguered minority in those early days of the twenty-first century, weary of being assailed and mis­understood by hostile normals, discouraged by the apparent inability of our race to live together in peace and fellowship, but still hopeful that they might somehow be able to use their higher mindpowers for the good of all humanity.

His own work, involving the creative metafaculty, was even more suspect in exotic eyes than amplification of the other higher mindpowers "because of the potential for abuse.

His waning mindpowers abolished all traces of his own blood and tissue from the dead Poltroyan's talons and from the vicinity of the assault.

Nonmetas tended to greatly outnumber per­sons with higher mindpowers in the lower levels of government, but in the judicial system the opposite situation prevailed.