n. (obsolete spelling of mind English) vb. (obsolete spelling of mind English)
Usage examples of "minde".
That when a man casteth his eyes on the vain and soone fading beauty of the world, consenting thereto in his minde, hee seemeth to bee turned into a brute beast, and so to be slain by the inordinate desire of his owne affects.
For as soone as she espieth any comely yong man, shee is forthwith stricken with his love, and presently setteth her whole minde and affection on him.
Thus faire Psyches being sweetly couched among the soft and tender hearbs, as in a bed of sweet and fragrant floures, and having qualified the thoughts and troubles of her restlesse minde, was now well reposed.
And turning to the other I sayd, You perhappes that are of an obstinate minde and grosse eares, mocke and contemme those things which are reported for truth, know you not that it is accounted untrue by the depraved opinion of men, which either is rarely seene, seldome heard, or passeth the capacitie of mans reason, which if it be more narrowly scanned, you shall not onely finde it evident and plaine, but also very easy to be brought to passe.
When I was a bed I began to call to minde all the sorrowes and griefes that I was in the day before, until such time as my love Fotis, having brought her mistresse to sleepe, came into the chamber, not as shee was wont to do, for she seemed nothing pleasant neither in countenance nor talke, but with sowre face and frowning looke, gan speak in this sort, Verily I confesse that I have been the occasion of all thy trouble this day, and therewith shee pulled out a whippe from under her apron, and delivered it unto mee saying, Revenge thyself upon mee mischievous harlot, or rather slay me.
Thus when I had well replenished my self with wine, and was now ready unto Venery not onely in minde but also in body, I removed my cloathes, and shewing to Fotis my great impatiencie I sayd, O my sweet heart take pitty upon me and helpe me, for as you see I am now prepared unto the battell, which you your selfe did appoint : for after that I felt the first Arrow of cruell Cupid within my breast, I bent my bow very strong, and now feare, (because it is bended so hard) lest my string should breake : but that thou mayst the better please me, undresse thy haire and come and embrace me lovingly : whereupon shee made no long delay, but set aside all the meat and wine, and then she unapparelled her selfe, and unattyred her haire, presenting her amiable body unto me in manner of faire Venus, when shee goeth under the waves of the sea.
Then gan she to declare the whole discourseOf all that vision, which to her appeard,As well as to her minde it had recourse.
Whereunto Diophanes this notable Assyrian (not yet come unto his minde, but halfe amased) soone answered and sayd, I would to god that all our enemies and evil willers might fall into the like dangerous peregrination and trouble.
One day, as he was searching of their wounds,He found that they had festred priuily,And ranckling inward with vnruly stounds,The inner parts now gan to putrify,That quite they seem'd past helpe of surgery,And rather needed to be disciplindeWith holesome reede of sad sobriety,To rule the stubborne rage of passion blinde:Giue salues to euery sore, but counsell to the minde.
But he, not like a wearie traueilere,Their sharpe assault right boldly did rebut,And suffred not their blowes to byte him nereBut with redoubled buffes them backe did put:Whose grieued mindes, which choler did englut,Against themselues turning their wrathfull spight,Gan with new rage their shields to hew and cut.
The villaine stayd not aunswer to inuent,But with his yron club preparing way,His mindes sad message backe vnto him sent.
Though some wise men may condemn this too bould attempt of too much indiscretion, yet if they well consider the friendship of the Indians, in conducting me, the desolatenes of the country, the probabilitie of some lacke, and the malicious judges of my actions at home, as also to have some matters of worth to incourage our adventurers in england, might well have caused any honest minde to have done the like, as wel for his own discharge as for the publike good: having 2 Indians for my guide and 2 of our own company, I set forward, leaving 7 in the barge.
I suppose the medic here has been telling you what a nice guy Mindes is.
Decisions had to come at once, and situations did not easily fit into the neat categories Mindes Kalokyres outlined.
To buy with Mony, or Preferment, from a Popular ambitious Subject, to be quiet,and desist from making ill impressions in the mindes of the People, has nothing of the nature of Reward.