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mincing words

vb. (present participle of mince words English)

Usage examples of "mincing words".

Bartlett was a damned gutter rat, not mincing words, and that place is worse than a pigsty.

Without mincing words, you can have what you are after-and we are prepared to guarantee it-in return for certain services.

Without mincing words, he told Mair everything Father Caddoc had said.

We call the Islanders that, but the Southronstheyre fucking savages, no mincing words.

She spoke with an edge of defiance, as though having opened up this far there was no point in mincing words.

I was telling him about that without mincing words when the truck, now far ahead, turned north again.

The commissioner had already phoned twice and without mincing words expressed his dissatisfaction with the way things were going.