Mimongo is a place in the region of Province de la Ngounie in Gabon at 1°37'12" south of the equator and 11°36'36" east of the Greenwich Prime Meridian.
Mimongo has a population of approximately 3,307 people.
Facts on Mimongo:
Name: Mimongo
Status: Place
Region: Province de la Ngounie
Country: Gabon
Continent: Africa
Population: 3,307
Latitude/Breadth: 1°37'12"S (-1.6195200°)
Longitude/Length: 11°36'36"E (11.6067500°)
Timezone: Africa/Libreville (UTC +1.0)
Current time: 12:10pm (Wednesday, 7 Dec 2011)
Distance as the crow flies between Mimongo and Gabon's capital Libreville is approximately 327 km (203 mi.).