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MIM stands for Music Industry Manual. It was founded in 1996 by James Robertson and in its first year was called The Promoter's Handbook. The Promoters Handbook was a reference manual for the dance music industry including DJs agents, nightclubs and unusual venues, promoters, flyer designers. The following year its title was changed to give it a broader appeal.

It still caters for the dance music industry, but is now fully international with over 100,000 contacts from countries as remote as Azerbaijan to developed nations. Whilst the focus is still on DJ and club culture it has over 100 categories including bar designer, music lawyers, event management.

Usage examples of "mim".

Dias piscando o olho esquerdo para mim, que, apesar do aviso, fiquei zangado.

Little Mim played with the soft leather weave of her Bottega Veneta bag.

Mim, at his side, was smiling up at Olan Byr, whose attention was wandering as he listened with half an ear to a dialogue a few feet away about the string quartet performance he had given tonight.

Eventually Bram lost Mim to an older manOlan Byr, a musician like herself, who had made a name for himself as a tireless interpreter of the old music.

Eu a olhava de vez em quando, mas ela ficou um bom tempo sem olhar para mim.

Me sorriu, mas logo voltou as vistas para longe, evidenciando que algo em mim a perturbava.

Se o meu amor pudesse se realizar sempre como o sonhei, a vida teria outro sentido para mim.

Depois de um tempo, ele abriu os olhos e procurou por mim, berrando meu nome.

Edwin Mims, in his biography of Sidney Lanier, concludes by quoting this poem.

Bram shriveled in his seat and wished for the ground to swallow him up, Mim shot a suspicious glance at Smeth and the ribbon of paper he was dangling.

Era bonito e fortalecedor sentir em mim a possibilidade de ser pai, sobretudo de um filho concebido com Liv.

Talvez isso explique por que me entreguei ao desejo do Tatziu e superei o medo que ele provocava em mim.

Um outro policial se aproximou de mim e perguntou: - O senhor que o socorreu?

Capitu deixassem de crescer para mim, a tal ponto que as fizeram esquecer de todo.

Mim, you and I have both seen impulsive scions run through more money than Adelia will inherit.