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n. (plural of milligram English)

Usage examples of "milligrams".

The blood test, analyzed at speed because of the bang on my head, had revealed a level of 290 milligrams of alcohol per centiliter of blood, which, I had been assured, meant that I had drunk the equivalent of at least half a bottle of spirits during the preceding few hours.

The 400 milligrams of Deca-Durabolin and testosterone cypionate you just spiked backstage is still a round little bolus in the skin on your ass.

The blood emerging from the liver immediately after a meal will usually have a glucose content of no more than 130 milligrams per cent" as a result of the storage work of the liver.

This quickly drops further to somewhere between 60 and 90 milligrams per cent.

Not much was present, to be sure, for the best modern analyses show that the human thyroid at most contains 8 milligrams (or about 1/2000 ounce) of iodine.

Ten milligrams of Valium to put him to sleep, five milligrams of Librium to keep him asleep.

And now, five milligrams of Valium and an Agua de Naranja turned off the paranoia and turned on a wide and uncharacteristic smile.

The publicist is there too, and she and the agent look out the tinted windows while the trainer sharpens a needle against the scratch pad of a matchbook and shoots me up with 50 milligrams of Laurabolin.

Suppose you're seasick, and given both an acupressure bracelet and 50 milligrams of meclizine.

But if at any time ten milligrams doesn't bring him back to you, leave it.

There was no telephone here, no psychiatric nurses nearby with two hundred milligrams of phenobarb.

Thirty milligrams of this, one hundred of that, up it to two hundred, no, better mix it.

Eighteen hundred of Thorazine, no, go higher, switch to Haldol, ninety milligrams of it, well, that's the same as forty-five hundred of Thorazine, too high, how's his dyskinesia?

It transfers seven milligrams of the drugit's called succinylcholineand that pretty much takes care of business.