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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Milleped \Mil"le*ped\ (m[i^]l"l[-e]*p[e^]d[i^]), n. [L. millepeda; mille a thousand + pes, pedis, foot: cf. F. mille-pieds.] (Zo["o]l.) A myriapod with many legs, esp. a chilognath, as the galleyworm. [Written also millipede and milliped.]


n. (obsolete form of millipede English)

Usage examples of "milleped".

Her childhood produced upon her the effect of a time when there had been nothing around her but millepeds, spiders, and serpents.

There are ear-wigs in the timber-yards of the Ursulines, there are millepeds in the Pantheon, there are tadpoles in the ditches of the Champs-de-Mars.