vb. (en-pastmill around)
Usage examples of "milled around".
Squires and servants milled around, coping with war chargers alarmed by the storm.
Once inside, they seemed reluctant to leave the air-conditioning and milled around looking at the fishing tackle.
He did not bother looking at Trager, who was customarily quiet as the children milled around him.
For a moment men milled around their lords, shaking their weapons and shouting.
A dozen sailors milled around them, watching but keeping their distance.
Their pursuers milled around there, shouting orders at the sentries, who replied with equal vehemence.
Some of the Bela Tegeusan people milled around at a relatively safe distance, amazed by this confrontation of godlike machines, unable!
Dogs milled around, woofing in excitement at the preparations for a journey into new country.
The drovers forgot all about their jobs, and milled around in angry disarray.
Children milled around the embracing couples, smiling and happy that Daddy was home again.
Ten people still stood on the stern while thirty more milled around the forecastle, including Manchester.
As men milled around in the subterranean roadway, peering at side tunnels and rising stairways cut into the stone, Sith Kilane and Borne Tolly pushed forward to take command.