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milking machine

n. machine consisting of a suction apparatus for milking cows mechanically

Usage examples of "milking machine".

The whole was designed to keep the cow from jumping off the stand or fidgeting too far from the milking machine, though Hitch doubted that the harness would withstand a determined lunge.

True, he had seen the prototype milking machine and been duly impressed by it, but he had been told nothing about the two young killer whales being maintained, at great trouble and expense, in the enclosure off the eastern edge of the reef.

With the cows and the milking machine installed, Joe hired a halfwit from Motion to take care of his investment.

Everything in the stable whispers of long years and abandonment, but this gadget, which looks sort of like a milking machine, appears brand new.

Holsteins nudge pasture gates, ready for the confinement of their stanchions and the morning's date with the milking machine.

No one eschewed using an automatic milking machine, for example, but no robotic system ever designed had convinced the cows to line up there and let themselves be hooked up to it automatically, and no robot had ever broken a horse or trained it.

Arlen says (but now she's actually lecturing), 'any fool can learn how to use a milking machine .

Barn chores before breakfast (my God it could take as long as an hour to wash the cows' filth-encrusted milk-swollen udders, hook up the milking machine to each cow, drain their heavy milk bags dry, empty the milkers into pails) and barn chores after school (horses, mainly-as much work, but at least I loved our horses), approximately 4:30 P.