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Military crest

Military crest is a term in military science that refers to, "An area on the forward or reverse slope of a hill or ridge just below the topographical crest from which maximum observation and direct fire covering the slope down to the base of the hill or ridge can be obtained."

The military crest is used in maneuvering along the side of a hill or ridge to provide the maneuvering force maximum visibility of the terrain below and minimize their own visibility by not being silhouetted against the sky, as it would be at the actual or topographical crest of the hill.

Observation points (OPs) can be located at the military crest if the main defensive position is located on the reverse slope of the hill or ridge, as is usually done if the main defensive position would be vulnerable to the enemy's artillery if located at the military crest, making coordinated withdrawal difficult.

The main defensive position can be located at the military crest if it is defensible to a strong attack, which gives the defensive force the maximum ability to not only see the approaching attacking forces but also bring maximum firepower to bear at the earliest opportunity.

Usage examples of "military crest".

He examined it closely and thought he could discern, beneath the military crest, an overpainted picture of a bottle of sauce being upended on a plate of shrimps.

He assigns the gun squad to set a base of fire on the military crest of the hill overlooking the saddle.

Behind them more of Woodcarver's troops were coming over the military crest of the hill.

Fifty of Mathias' Companions were dug in across the military crest of a wooded hill.

They were glad to shelter behind an outcropping below the military crest of the hill and let the heat disperse to the breeze.

Godenov had already dropped down to the military crest of the hill.

Our unit crest is the only military crest authorized to depict a mushroom cloud on it.

He had halted his reconnaissance platoon just behind a low ridge and positioned his lead vehicle so he could see over the military crest.

From their positions at the military crest of the small rise that ran for over a kilometer along this end of the island, he and his team could observe virtually the entire island and the sea approaches leading to it.

From his position on the military crest of the hill, Melville could look south at an endless sea of forest.