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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Mildew \Mil"dew\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Mildewed; p. pr. & vb. n. Mildewing.] To taint with mildew; as, mildewed clothing.

He . . . mildews the white wheat.


vb. (present participle of mildew English)

Usage examples of "mildewing".

All of the students from that last sixth-grade class were still in the box in the storage closet downstairs, all of their cumulative record folders mildewing away with the individual class photos of the students staring out—bright eyes, braces, bad haircuts from a decade before.

But when the bots had acquired the building, they had left it empty except for a few piles of surplus soil and whatever mildewing cartons happened to remain.

We'd all sit on low, mildewing cushions, scaring geckos and spiders into the deeper shadows.