Milazzo ( Sicilian: Milazzu, Latin: Mylae) is a town ( comune) and is the third-largest city in the province of Messina, and is one of the most important cities of Sicily. The city proper has a population of over 32,000 inhabitants, and is the point of reference of a vaste territory, from Villafranca Tirrena to Patti (over 200,000 inhabitants). Is also, an important centre of the Metropolitan Area Stretto di Messina (who also includes areas of Reggio Calabria), with the near city Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto. Located at the base of a peninsula that juts into the Tyrrhenian Sea with a small promontory, the town is from the capital city.
Over time, the town is moving forward towards the sea by recording a continuous development of agriculture and fishing activities, commercial and industrial.