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migrant workers

n. (migrant worker English)

Usage examples of "migrant workers".

The migrant workers demand better conditions, more pay per basket picked, and a recognized union to represent their interests in the future.

There he saw migrant workers, men without futures, breaking their backs all day for paltry wages and at night throwing away their cash in card games and barrooms.

By that time we were almost self-sufficient, there was obviously no need for us to become migrant workers, as your city and its enemies had been.

For six years I was investigating complaints statewide, concentrating on migrant workers.

Instead the brutal harvest was left to Jamaican and Dominican migrant workers, who were paid shameful wages to swing machetes all day in the sweltering sun.

The migrant workers of the agricultural orbit rioted, doing no damage to the crops but hardly bothering to conceal the threat--in the event Hope did not take office.

Three other children of the family were victims of the notoriously high infant mortality rate of migrant workers.

Then they stopped grabbing and drew themselves up on tiptoes into erect positions, their faces contorted in pain, as Chiun dug his hands into their groins, without ever taking his eyes off the crowd of migrant workers.

A lot of the Imperial refugees who'd left the camps outside the cities on the south shore of the Gut ended up as migrant workers following the crops across Santander.