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adv. In the middle of a stride

Usage examples of "midstride".

The fabric had stopped him midstride and swung himhard left before tearing.

He strode into the next room, anxious to be away, but stopped in midstride at the sight which greeted him there.

Haplo turned to descend into the hold, stopped in midstride as he felt the world around him rippled.

Tristan abruptly stopped his horse in midstride and turned to look at the Gallipoli.

The creature turned in midstride, launching itself at the old man, suckered fingers reaching greedily for his throat.

He would stop in midstride, or try to break a playful leap in midair at her signal.

Lessa demanded, halting so abruptly in midstride that F'lar had to sidestep to avoid barging into his slender weyrmate.

He was lying face-down, his limbs clamped in midstride position as firmly as a tangler-field could have done.

In midstride Fett sent a stun grenade arcing through the air and into the guardhouse.