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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Microscopically \Mi`cro*scop"ic*al*ly\, adv. By the microscope; with minute inspection; in a microscopic manner.


adv. 1 In a microscopic manner. 2 To a microscopic extent.

  1. adv. by using a microscope; "the blood was examined microscopically"

  2. in a microscopic manner; with extreme precision and attention to detail; "every manuscript was edited microscopically"

Usage examples of "microscopically".

The superficial apothecial characters are so much alike in many of the species that one cannot always feel certain even of the genus of unfamiliar forms until he has studied them microscopically.

Tarantella, tarantula extraordinaire, paused on the stone step, produced a microscopically small lipstick from some hidden part of her anatomy, and raked the family with a withering stare.

Microscopically the enlargement would seem to be due rather to hyperplasia than to hypertrophy.

For Jill to live was a future so extreme, so microscopically fine in the bundle of threads, that it was, in principle, unfindable, incomprehensible.

She further testified that fibers from the shirt were microscopically similar to fibers found on a pair of blue pants that had been submerged near the bodies.

Is the Eucharist, as the Church teaches, in fact and not just as productive metaphor, the flesh of Jesus Christ, or is it, chemically, microscopically and in other ways, just a wafer handed to you by a priest?

Microscopically, the electric charge of a particle plays the same role for the electromagnetic force as mass does for gravity: it determines how strongly the particle can exert as well as respond electromagnetically.

Microscopically, cast iron is a mat of fibers of iron crystals, iron carbide crystals, and graphite.

For stone and earth had been crushed, compressed, into a smooth, microscopically grained, adamantine complex, and in this matrix poppies still bearing traces of their coloring were imbedded like fossils.

In the ship, he'd diluted the swabbings and examined them microscopically.

That's unusual, for an unk. The chance of any one p-card coming up in a person's lifetime is so microscopically small, so utterly worthless—"