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n. (plural of microscope English)

Usage examples of "microscopes".

I could see microscopes, big glass beakers boiling and boiling, gray metal boxes with lights on them, aquaria.

Leeuwenhoek was born there were no microscopes but only crude hand-lenses that would hardly make a ten cent piece look as large as a quarter.

Royal Society commissioned Robert Hooke and Nehemiah Grew to build the very best microscopes, and brew pepper water from the finest quality of black pepper.

He tended his little dry-goods store, he saw to it the city hall of Delft was properly swept out, he grew more and more crusty and suspicious, he looked longer and longer hours through his hundreds of microscopes, he made a hundred amazing discoveries.

Minister of Instruction told him there was not one cent in the budget for those bottles and ovens and microscopes without which he could not live.

And the committee obediently bought microscopes and tried to follow his directions.

Pasteurians were packing microscopes in satchels and hurrying to Saigon in Indo-China and to Australia to try to discover microbes of weird diseases that did not exist.

Bruce bent over their microscopes to find the yes or no of the discovery of Castellani.

For what could be more horrific than the tiny inhabitants of the creepy-crawly world if our own microscopes were to suddenly inflate to the fearsome proportions of dinosaurs?