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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Micrometric \Mi`cro*met"ric\, Micrometrical \Mi`cro*met"ric*al\, a. [Cf. F. microm['e]trique.] Belonging to micrometry; made by the micrometer. -- Mi`cro*met"ric*al*ly, adv.

Usage examples of "micrometrically".

They led him to where a great yellow X, micrometrically exact in its dimensions, had been marked on the pavement.

The instruments on their backs extended and swiveled sensors, peered and listened through the whole spectrum, did not intrude with radar or sonar but surveyed and triangulated, micrometrically precise, a cataract of data pouring into their recorders.

Ear-rings, and a meticulous, micrometrically precise coiffure held in place by at least a dozen glittering buckles, combs and barrettes.

Saint had felt before in all manner of circumstances when something was micrometrically off-key and his senses were busy delivering messages to his understanding which that partly instinct-driven system refused to accept as making a wholly convincing picture.

Somewhere there had been something out of place, or out of tune, or micrometrically out of focus .

It was more as as if one or two whole instruments were micrometrically off key, playing perfectly consistently as units and yet infinitesi-mally out of tune, so that the entire performance was elusively discordant.