n. (context physics English) A state of very low acceleration between two free floating objects, as found in sustained freefall, in orbit, or in interstellar space.
Microgravity is the debut album by Biosphere, released in 1991.
The album was at first rejected by SSR, the subsidiary of Nettwerk with whom Jenssen had previously released his music, as "unmarketable". The small Norwegian label Origo Sound picked it up, and the record scored on the club circuit in 1991.
End 2014, Geir Jenssen successfully started a Kickstarter campaign to release the album on vinyl.
Usage examples of "microgravity".
On earth, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation is demanding enough, in microgravity, it is a nightmare of complex acrobatics, with drifting equipment, tubes and tangling in midair, syringes filled with precious drugs away.
Houston, but final fittings for Mars excursion suits, microgravity practice in water tanks, and drills in a full-size mock-up of the Mars Shuttle, take place at the Kennedy Space Center.
At first, the motion looked like a commonplace of the microgravity environment, a loose paperweight wafting on an air current.
The drone is a long-legged crane fly look-alike, bouncing very slowly from toe tip to toe tip in the microgravity.
But in microgravity there was no gravity feed to the lacrimal duct.
She leaped through the gravity gradient, skimmed across the microgravity, and entered the zeio-g core.
The still had to be rotated to enable phase separation in microgravity, and the rotation tended to disrupt any experiments requiring stability the crew attempted.
After that there had been months of waiting, then six months of training, study, simulators, tests, exercises, presentations-all so she could live hundreds of miles above the earth's surface, breathing recirculated air, eating irradiated food, drinking chemically produced water and coping with microgravity.
There were experiments in protein crystal growth, and the diffusion of bacteria in microgravity conditions, and a chunky arrangement called the heat pipe performance experiment, a dry engineering test of the diffusion of heat from hot spots on pipes and ducts in microgravity.
The bottle was designed with a piston inside it to force the weightless liquids into a microgravity vial of tempered glass.
If I were wrong, doubt would be raised about in-space biological testing, with suspicion transferred to other forms of wet chemistry in microgravity.