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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Micrography \Mi*crog"ra*phy\, n. [Micro- + -graphy: cf. F. micrographie.]

  1. The description of microscopic objects.

  2. Examination or study by means of the microscope, as of an etched surface of metal to determine its structure.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1650s, "description of microscopic objects," from micro- + -graphy. From 1899 as "art of writing in very small letters."


n. 1 The description of microscopic objects. 2 An ancient Jewish form of calligram, using tiny Hebrew letters to form designs. 3 Examination or study by means of the microscope, as of an etched surface of metal to determine its structure.


Micrography (from Greek, literally small-writing – "Μικρογραφία"), also called microcalligraphy, is a Jewish form of calligrams developed in the 9th century, with parallels in Christianity and Islam, utilizing minute Hebrew letters to form representational, geometric and abstract designs. Colored micrography is especially distinctive because these rare artworks are customarily rendered in black and white.

Micrography is also a classic feature in Parkinson's disease. People with Parkinson's disease often have an increasingly small handwriting (micrography) with reduced letter size which worsens throughout the sentence.

Micrography (Microscopy)

Micrography is also the art of using microscopes to make photographs. 'Micrograph' is an image obtained by means of a microscope and contains extensive details that form the features of a microstructure. "Etching" is done to improve contrast between phases by selective attack of some phases using reagents. Micrography is a Metallurgist's forte.

Optical microscope and electron microscope are extensively used in micrography or metallography and are indispensable. A wealth of information can be obtained from a simple micrograph like behavior of the material under different conditions, the phases found in the system, failure analysis, grain size estimation, elemental analysis and so on.

Usage examples of "micrography".

They were racing through a strange land of indefiniteness and Morrison could not, no matter how he tried, picture his surroundings as those with which he was familiar from electron micrography.