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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Microcosmic \Mi`cro*cos"mic\, Microcosmical \Mi`cro*cos"mic*al\, a. [Cf. F. microcosmique.] Of or pertaining to the microcosm.

Microcosmic salt (Chem.), a white crystalline substance obtained by mixing solutions of sodium phosphate and ammonium phosphate, and also called hydric-sodic-ammonic-phosphate. It is a powerful flux, and is used as a substitute for borax as a blowpipe reagent in testing for the metallic oxides. Originally obtained by the alchemists from human urine, and called sal microcosmicum.


a. (alternative form of microcosmic English)

Usage examples of "microcosmical".

Calculate thyself within, seek not thyself in the Moon, but in thine own Orb or Microcosmical Circumference.