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n. (plural of metropolitan English)


Metropolitans may refer to:

  • New York Metropolitans (1880-1887), a New York baseball team
  • New York Mets (1962-present), a Major League Baseball team
  • Seattle Metropolitans (1915-1924), a Seattle ice hockey team
  • Bydgoszcz–Toruń Metropolitans (BiT Mets) (2012-present), a Bydgoszcz-Toruń bi-polar agglomeration American football reserve team of Angels Toruń and Bydgoszcz Archers
Other uses
  • Metropolia, or metropolis, Christian term for the jurisdiction under a Metropolitan bishop, who might also be known as a Metropolitan.

Usage examples of "metropolitans".

The sun came in through colored panes and threw a blue and violet light on the opposite wall, which was crowded with photographs of living and dead Metropolitans and bishops.