Metropia is a Canadian television drama, which currently airs on Omni Television. The show originally aired every weeknight at 10:30 p.m. on OMNI.2, and all the episodes of the week were repeated on Sunday nights on OMNI.1 starting at 9 p.m. Metropia was later nationally broadcast beginning in 2007 on Super Channel. The show is still available Sunday - Friday nights, on OMNI.1.
Metropia can refer to:
- Metropia (film), a Swedish animated film from 2009
- Metropia (TV series), a Canadian television drama
Metropia is a 2009 English-language Swedish-Danish-Norwegian adult animated mystery thriller drama science fiction film directed by Tarik Saleh. The screenplay was written by Fredrik Edin, Stig Larsson, and Tarik Saleh after a story by Tarik Saleh, Fredrik Edin and Martin Hultman. The film uses a technique where photographs have been altered and heavily stylized in a computer program, and then animated. The visual style is inspired by the works of Terry Gilliam, Roy Andersson and Yuriy Norshteyn. Metropia is Boulder Media Limited's first adult animated movie and production. It is a complex story of a misaligned man, though good intent, creating a nightmarish Dystopian existence. Metropia is taking place in a not-so-distant, terrifying Europe.