' MetOp-A Launch:'
Soyuz ST Fregat
Baikonur Cosmodrome
' MetOp-B Launch:'
Soyuz ST Fregat
Baikonur Cosmodrome
' MetOp-C Launch:'
Soyuz ST Fregat
Guiana Space Centre
' Dimensions:'
' Mass:'
Payload Mass:
' Webpage:'
Orbital elements
' Orbit:'
' Inclination:'
' Orbital period:'
''' Ground Track Repeat Cycle: '''
''' Mean Altitude: '''
''' Local Time of Ascending Node: '''
''' MetOp-A International Designator: '''
''' MetOp-B International Designator: '''
''' MetOp-C International Designator: '''
MetOp is a series of three polar orbiting meteorological satellites developed by the European Space Agency ( ESA) and operated by the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites ( EUMETSAT). The satellites form the space segment component of the overall EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS), which in turn is the European half of the EUMETSAT/ NOAA Initial Joint Polar System (IJPS). The satellites carry a payload comprising 11 scientific instruments and two which support Search and Rescue services. In order to provide data continuity between MetOp and NOAA Polar Operational Satellites (POES), several instruments are carried on both fleets of satellites.
MetOp-A, launched on October 19, 2006, is Europe's first polar orbiting satellite used for operational meteorology. Subsequent satellites in the series are provisionally planned for launch at 5 year intervals to match the 5-year design life and provide continuity of services. However, in case of extended mission lifetime, a period of dual operations is expected as well as an extension to the overall programme. In 2021 a second generation of MetOp satellites will be deployed, called MetOp-SG.