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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
methylated spirits
▪ Alcohol has long been used as a fuel-in spirit lamps and as methylated spirits, for example.
▪ Ignorant of the fact that it was Battersea enamel she lit the wick beneath it, well soaked in methylated spirits.
▪ Quick tips for summer stain removal Grass Grass stains on polyester cricketing flannels can be removed with Swarfega or methylated spirits.
methylated spirits

n. (alternative form of methylated spirit English)

Usage examples of "methylated spirits".

If you want to, you can kill the spider humanely by freezing it and then by pouring methylated spirits on it to preserve it.

So gladdied up when nicechild Kevin Mary (who was going to be commandeering chief of the choirboys' brigade the moment he grew up under all the auspices) irishsmiled in his milky way of cream dwibble and onage tustard and dessed tabbage, frighted out when badbrat Jerry Godolphing (who was hurrying to be cardinal scullion in a night refuge as bald as he was cured enough unerr all the hospitals) furrinfrowned down his wrinkly waste of methylated spirits, ick,and lemoncholy lees, ick, and pulverised rhubarbarorum, icky.

The fireball made a strange crackling sound as it passed and left behind a smell that some likened to methylated spirits and others described as just awful.

These home brews were powerful concoctions known generally as skokiaan, and according to the recipe of the individual distiller, could contain anything from methylated spirits to the corpses of poisonous snakes and aborted infants.

She makes it herself, he told Hendrick in a loud aside, and she puts in carbide and methylated spirits and dead snakes and aborted babies to give it kick and flavour.

I was just getting some stains off the floor with this can of methylated spirits.

Old Snakebellys qualities obviously combined those of Irish potheen, wool alcohol and methylated spirits.

While he never mentioned Doonan grog, everyone knew that it was more to his taste than methylated spirits cooked over a Bunsen burner.

Twice a day Ada sat on a cushion in front of Garrick's chair and massaged the stump with methylated spirits to toughen it for its first contact with the stiff leather bucket.

He had no very high opinion of the machinery in his charge, which had few refinements of any sort and was scarcely more complicated than the stationary steam engine, run on methylated spirits, which had been his first real toy.

The chemistry stock room had a different lock, but they took that out too, and made off with a large jar of methylated spirits, a few other choice cocktail ingredients, and three thick glass jars of various acids.