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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Methodic \Me*thod"ic\, Methodical \Me*thod"ic*al\, a. [L. methodicus, Gr. ?: cf. F. m['e]thodique.]

  1. Arranged with regard to method; disposed in a suitable manner, or in a manner to illustrate a subject, or to facilitate practical observation; well-ordered; as, the methodical arrangement of arguments; a methodical treatise. [WordNet sense 2] ``Methodical regularity.''

  2. Proceeding with regard to method; characterized by method or orderliness; systematic; as, a methodical investigation. [WordNet sense 1] ``Aristotle, strict, methodic, and orderly.''

  3. Of or pertaining to the ancient school of physicians called methodists.
    --Johnson. [1913 Webster] -- Me*thod"ic*al*ly, adv. -- Me*thod"ic*al*ness, n.


adv. In a methodical manner; with order.


adv. in a methodical manner; "she worked methodically"

Usage examples of "methodically".

Over all these causes of Change I am convinced that the accumulative action of Selection, whether applied methodically and more quickly, or unconsciously and more slowly, but more efficiently, is by far the predominant Power.

Since Grace Bartram had told him of her fears, last night, Saybrook had been methodically active.

Then the bearded man slowly rose to his feet, methodically buttoned his jacket, and walked back down toward the center of town.

Instead, he very methodically removed all the extraneous paperwork from his desk and placed it neatly on his bunk.

In the flashes of gunfire he saw Jackson standing on the bulwark carefully aiming a musketoon, methodically aiming and firing it and passing it down to be reloaded, while another loaded one was handed up to him.

She put those thoughts aside, recognizing incipient panic, and began methodically to pack.

Guvasier screamed and begged for the mercy he was incapable of showing others, Germaine methodically sawed off each of his extremities, joint-by-joint, until all that remained of Jacques Guvasier was a stumpless torso.

I soap myself down methodically then wash my hair, taking care to rub the inefficient surfactant gel into my scalp.

He studied the angle of the dog-vane, called for an azimuth-compass to take the bearings of the wake and of Cape Mola, gazed long at the sky, the familiar clear tramontane sky with high white clouds moving in a steady procession toward Africa, and methodically began to pack on sail, causing the log to be heaved every five minutes.

Methodically she unstacked them until she could reach the one at the very bottom.

He jumped out of bed at once and alighted upon his best trousers amorphously dropped on the floor instead of methodically cast over a chair.

Only a few isolated puffs of darkness remained inside the motor home, and the angelfish were methodically herding them outside.

Blearily she walked to the nearest appleberry bush and proceeded methodically to eat her breakfast.

Jenna watched as Arion methodically cleaned a wicked-looking sword, running a soft cloth along the blade.

The Colonel seemed remarkably calm as he aimed his revolver at the Northern battle line and methodically pulled the trigger.