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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Metaphysician \Met`a*phy*si"cian\, n. [Cf. F. m['e]taphysicien.] One who is versed in metaphysics.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from Middle French métaphysicien (14c.); see metaphysics + -ian.


n. (context philosophy English) A philosopher who specializes in the scholarly study of metaphysics.

Usage examples of "metaphysician".

The metaphysician suddenly crumpled to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut.

If the metaphysician did decide to return, he would not have much of a physical body to come back to.

It was starting to look as though the metaphysician was using the metal man as a permanent bodyguard.

Naturally melancholy and thoughtful, feeding the sensibilities of his heart upon fiction, and though addicted to the cultivation of reason rather than fancy, having perhaps more of the deeper and acuter characteristics of the poet than those calm and half-callous properties of nature supposed to belong to the metaphysician and the calculating moralist, Mordaunt was above all men fondly addicted to solitude, and inclined to contemplations less useful than profound.

The metaphysician, equipped by that very character, winged already and not like those others, in need of disengagement, stirring of himself towards the supernal but doubting of the way, needs only a guide.

Surely, as we read, those that have already seen all or most things, those who at their first birth have entered into the life-germ from which is to spring a metaphysician, a musician or a born lover, the metaphysician taking to the path by instinct, the musician and the nature peculiarly susceptible to love needing outside guidance.

The abstract speculations of the metaphysician would not have sufficed for him, nor would the continuous and simple creation of the narrator who narrates to amuse himself, nor would the ardor of the semi-animal of the man-ofpleasure who abandons himself to the frenzy of vice.

It is, more precisely, the terrible irony of the lone metaphysician, rising to a keening intensity as he registers the black holes in the world about him.

Anthropologist, metaphysician, most of all theologian, here is a lesson which can teach you much that you will not find in your primers and catechisms.

This English knight was at different periods of his life an admiral, a theologian, a critic, a metaphysician, a politician, and a disciple of Alchemy.

Such was the specific which the great metaphysician recommended for averting and curing all manner of diseases.

Doctor said, with that shade of curiosity in his tone which a metaphysician would probably say is an index of a certain tendency to belief in the superstition to which the question refers.

When you see a metaphysician trying to wash his hands of them and get rid of these accidents, so as to lay his dry, clean palm on the absolute, does it not remind you of the hopeless task of changing the color of the blackamoor by a similar proceeding?

But for someone who pretends not to be a metaphysician, you seem to have a pretty good grasp of the matter.

The enemies of the metaphysicians made great play of this, openly accusing them of unleashing the demon.