The Collaborative International Dictionary
Metamorphose \Met`a*mor"phose\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Metamorphosed; p. pr. & vb. n. Metamorphosing.] [Cf. F. m['e]tamorphoser.] To change into a different form; to transform; to transmute.
And earth was metamorphosed into man.
vb. (en-past of: metamorphose)
Usage examples of "metamorphosed".
The passengers in their metamorphosed state all gathered at the rail to stare uneasily across at the gigantic statue.
As she approached, he thought how appealing her metamorphosed shape was.
It is familiar to almost every one, that in a flower the relative position of the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils, as well as their intimate structure, are intelligible in the view that they consist of metamorphosed leaves, arranged in a spire.
Fourteen years later he had come -- metamorphosed, Protestant, and wealthy -- to the Vistula estuary by way of Schneidemühl, Neustadt, and Dirschau.
An instant later, laden with rags, hung with leather, entwined in rope, seven times hatted, and surrounded by jubilant flies, he is in front, to one side, to southeast and to starboard of his derelict junk-pile, which is little by little metamorphosed into a crow-repellent group.
We even spoke differently when we had eaten of those meat cubes: our speech became palatal metamorphosed four-legged: we barked at each other.
Beneath the glass-bead lamp shade a greenish glow fell on the part in his hair: seated on a solidly built piano stool, an Oberon, masterful interpreter of the piano pieces drawn from the opera of that name, metamorphosed boy pupils and girl pupils into water sprites.
I alone knew that it wasn't the ballet slippers that had metamorphosed Jenny.
As he roamed the metamorphosed city he saw bat-winged imps sitting on the corners of buildings made of deceits and glimpsed goblins oozing wormily through the broken tilework of public urinals for men.
In his own case there had been by-pass surgery, and the difficulty of coming to terms with so many deaths, and nightmare visions of being metamorphosed once more into some sort of suiphurous, cloven-hoof demon.
He watched as a particularly fine specimen of recently metamorphosed youth was brought caged to him, and he nodded his approval at both the creature and his tattoos.
We'll just agree on exactly what you'll take for yourself, and feed the rest to a recently metamorphosed adult.
There wasn't a normal metamorphosed youngster available to eat my brain, but a friend of mine found an ordinary slave, without much of a brain of his own.
A far leaner and utterly different face metamorphosed on the rotund body.
They had metamorphosed into chitinous pincers with serrated edges and were locked so fiercely that the stainless-steel tubing actually appeared to be bending in the creature’s grip.