n. (plural of mestiza English)
Usage examples of "mestizas".
The fourth was probably a Chocoes girl while the last two were plainly mestizas of mixed Euro and Indian blood.
Like mestizas and indias, mulattas were forbidden to wear European-style clothing, but while mestizas and indias wore simple peón garb—formless dresses, usually of white, coarse cotton—mulattas' clothes were as flamboyant as the brilliantly feathered mantles of the Aztec priests.
While there were women of every color and blood in New Spain, mestizas, indias, mulattas, africanas, and españolas who were as lovely to behold, none of these women showed any freedom in their actions, not even the flamboyant mulattas who were permitted to wrap themselves in garish garb of rainbow hues but would never think of changing their station and state, of challenging their class, their caste, the shackles of their sex.
Al mezclarse con las razas conquistadas, los descendientes de los grupos invasores comenzaron a presentar nuevas características raciales, pero estas razas mestizas fueron violentamente atacadas por los grupos de sangre nueva y más pura y fueron barridas por éstos como si se tratara de una escoba que arrastra los desechos indiscriminadamente, para mezclarse aún más, formando un complejo mosaico de razas y su-brazas.