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n. A room for eating together; a mess; a canteen.

Usage examples of "messroom".

Uliar let his eyes drift around the number three messroom, as sterile and military looking as everything else aboard Outbound Flight.

D-4 messroom she visited, but Lorana finally found the Pressor family.

Iris was laid on a couch in the messroom, and the steward summoned Mr.

He stopped only when, seated on the messroom deck, his legs and tail a stable tripod, he took the cup of tea that Jane had poured him between his two claws, sipped appreciatively.

His voice, raised to carry through the messroom, sounded tinny and high-pitched.

I failed to find her and ended up in the messroom, wanting someone with whom to share a toast.

Kirk lowered the messroom table from its stored position on the wall, and he and Linda sat down on the benches that swung out from the table.

Peter was already in the messroom, having a beer with First Officer Ellington and hypothesizing about what was being said by Dick, Eloise and Platt in the Chiefs office.

UNSA personnel had congregated in the messroom at Pithead to watch the takeoff, the view of which was being relayed from Main Base and shown on the wall screen.

He was standing in the messroom at the time and the evening rations were being served out.

Maybe he should get some people together and see if Commander Omano would let them redecorate the messrooms with different themes.

The folks stationed forward have already done up their messrooms in theme styles.

Sundowner could run to a bagpiper to pipe them in to the messroom table.

The only recreation space was the messrooms and they were always crowded.

Captain Tucker's television receiver, Tommy knew, was an AC-DC portable, and he was sorely tempted to ask if it could be brought down to the messroom where there was more seating available--until he recalled that the TV set was bolted to a bulkhead.