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n. A mixture of small, young leaf as a salad


Mesclun is a salad mix of assorted small, young salad green leaves, which originated in Provence, France. The traditional mix usually includes chervil, arugula, leafy lettuces and endive, while the term may also refer to an undetermined mix of fresh and available baby salad greens, which may include lettuces, spinach, arugula (rocket, or roquette), Swiss chard (silver beet), mustard, endive, dandelion, frisée, mizuna, mâche (lamb's lettuce), radicchio, sorrel, or other leaf vegetables.

The name comes from the Provençal, mesclum, derived from the verb mesclar, to "mix thoroughly," and literally means, "mixture." According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the term was first used in 1976. According to local lore, mesclun originated with the farmers around Nice, who would each bring their own unique and prized mix of baby greens to the farmers' markets; one of the most representative and authentic versions is a combination of baby dandelion, lettuce and arugula.

Noted chef Alice Waters comments, "Outdoor markets in Provence display mesclun in profusion, a melange of the first tender young leaves which appear in the garden. ''Mesclun ''can be an extraordinary lettuce mixture: rocket, much like the rugola (arugula) found in Italian markets; chervil; mâche, or lamb's lettuce; and oak leaf. On occasion, baby curly endive (chicory) or young dandelion greens find their way into the medley, depending solely upon the grower's personal preferences combined with the reality of whatever else might send up shoots in the spot where mesclun grows."

In the North American foodservice industry, the first appearance of mesclun is traced back to restaurants and farm stands in the early 1980s, with a rise in popularity since. A mesclun mix is described as comprising baby leaves of lettuces and other greens, and often herbs, in a wide range of leaf shapes, colors, textures, and tastes. Depending on the season, a mix might contain anywhere from a dozen to three dozen different types and varieties of baby greens, including red and green oak leaf, romaine, and lolla rossa lettuces, frisée, tatsoi, bok choy, arugula, spinach, orach, mizuna, dandelion, mustard, and cress. When available, locally grown, direct-from-the-farmer sourcing is recommended over commercial bulk packs for best flavor and freshness. This version of mesclun, sometimes considered an evolution, is also known as spring mix.

Usage examples of "mesclun".

Once I had it the right way up, I ordered a lamb and leek sandwich with mesclun in balsamic vinaigrette.

I ordered squab on a mesclun bed from a prison-rescued waiter known to me alone as Charlie-Charlie, also when I navigated for my clients the complex waters of financial planning, above all when before her seduction by my enemy Graham Leeson I returned homeward to luxuriate in the attentions of my stunning Marguerite, when transported within the embraces of my wife, even then I carried within the frame houses dropped like afterthoughts down the streets of New Covenant, the stiff faces and suspicious eyes, the stony cordialities before and after services in the grim great Templethe blank storefronts along Harmony Streettattooed within me was the ugly, enigmatic beauty of my birthplace.

I ordered squab on a mesclun bed from a prison-rescued waiter known to me alone as Charlie-Charlie, also when I navigated for my clients the complex waters of financial planning, above all when before her seduction by my enemy Graham Leeson I returned homeward to luxuriate in the attentions of my stunning Marguerite, when transported within the embraces of my wife, even then I carried within the frame houses dropped like afterthoughts down the streets of New Covenant, the stiff faces and suspicious eyes, the stony cordialities before and after services in the grim great Temple-the blank storefronts along Harmony Street-tattooed within me was the ugly, enigmatic beauty of my birthplace.

I should have asked what a mesclun salad was before I ordered this thing.

Rose spared half a second to grin at Eddie, bartender and part-time waiter, while she wiped vinaigrette from the side of a plate of mesclun and goat cheese and slid it down the pickup.

After dinner, which was pretty amazingtwo herb-roasted chickens with oven fries, asparagus, mesclun salad, and coconut cakeKayla and I got out of there.

He added curly noodles to boiling water, tossed a mesclun salad with a balsamic vinaigrette and spooned portions into wooden bowls.

Not only do they heat their supposedly raw food higher than a hundred and eighteen degrees, but their mesclun mix includes shoots from carnivorous plants.