Merymose, also Mermose or Merimes, was a Viceroy of Kush under Amenhotep III. He served for almost the entire four decades of that reign.
His titles included: King's son (of Kush), Overseer of the Southern Lands, Overseer of the Gold Lands of Amun, King's Scribe, Overseer of the King's Scribes, Overseer of the Treasury, and Steward of the Peasantry
Merymose likely accompanied Amenhotep III in year 5 on his campaign against Kush. It is possible that at a later time Merymose led a campaign against the people of an area called Ibhet. The people of Ibhet had resisted Egyptian domination and may have even attacked some Egyptian interests. Merymose led an attack against the Nubians. He killed 312 Nubians and captured 740 prisoners.