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n. 1 an advocate of meritocracy 2 a person who has authority allegedly based on ability

Usage examples of "meritocrat".

University of Streeling, as per the Meritocrat and Palace Treaty of two centuries ago.

Greys, and certainly most of the legals, are of the opinion that Seldon is a harmless and amusing crank, another rogue meritocrat aspiring to be an eccentric.

He could easily publicize the event as a respected academic, a creative meritocrat of the grand old style being bullied by the effete and cruel gentry.

Trantor, in the quarters of a mid-level meritocrat or high-level university professor.

Daneel simply slipped in a few details of physical appearance, and an old meritocrat returned to life on Trantora manque diplomat-theorist, seen at many parties but seldom if ever remembered, once known as a ruthless seducer of women who ruthlessly consented to be seduced.

Together they stood among the robots and the famous meritocrat, and Klia defied anyone to think them the least of those present.

Well-heeled Greys and meritocrats traveled from thousands of kilometers some, thousands of light yearsjust to spend several days browsing among the myriad of shops in each area.

But certain meritocrats feel a peculiar lack in the present panoply of the fantastic arts.

The gentry and meritocrats, however, according to some statisticians, have apparently suffered substantial losses in intellectual capacity.

For all but a few meritocrats in positions of power, galactic exploration had become an abstraction, another burden inflicted by bureaucracy.

But chaos conditions also highlighted essential antagonisms between eccentrics and meritocrats, as happened in Junin long ago, when a struggle between faith and reason sent part of Trantor reeling.

Nor, in all probability had Maserd, since most victims of brain fever later went on to become either eccentrics or meritocrats.