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mental gymnastics

n. 1 Difficult and complex logical thought processes. 2 Inventive, complex arguments used to justify unjustifiable decisions, or situations.

Usage examples of "mental gymnastics".

That's Ritalin, revised textbooks, ultra-intolerance, socialist indoctrination, deconstruction of patriotism, censorship of conservative ideas, and a host of other mental gymnastics they expect students to perform until they're completely lost.

Murderers were especially good at mental gymnastics that convinced them that they had a right to take life, that it was the victim's fault they'd been killed.

They could trace individual people across a continent, through some mental gymnastics we still don't understand.

Here she was going through all these mental gymnastics, and for all she knew, he didn't feel the tiniest scintilla of attraction for her.

It's a matter of mental gymnastics, a reflex action that commenced working even before I knew what was happening.

We can continue to rehash the old unanswered and unanswerable questions, and philosophy will then remain what it has always been: a parlor game of mental gymnastics, played by ivory-tower intellectuals.

The expression on Stiros' face said this was exactly the kind of mental gymnastics his faction feared.

But she knew now the mental gymnastics that would free her from another’.