Memoware is a term originally coined in 1996 for data formatted for the Memopad application that was shipped with the original U.S. Robotics Pilot (now Palm) Personal Digital Assistant. The MemoWare website was started shortly afterward by Craig Froehle as a central repository for memoware, and now hosts thousands of documents (in various formats) for Palm OS devices and other handhelds.
"Memoware" has also been (more recently) used as a term for software that exists mainly in the form of a company's internal statements of direction, rather that actual developments or shipped products. For example,'' The Economist ''published an article on 17 November 2005 titled "The latest in memoware", which began, "Every few years Bill Gates, the chairman of Microsoft, issues a memo signalling an important shift for his company, and hence for the software industry as a whole."