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The Collaborative International Dictionary

memorialise \me*mo"ri*al*ise\, v. t. Same as memorialize. [Chiefly Brit.]


vb. (standard spelling of from=non-Oxford British spelling memorialize English)

  1. v. address in a memorial; "The President memorialized the heroes of the battle" [syn: memorialize]

  2. be or provide a memorial to a person or an event; "This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps"; "We memorialized the Dead" [syn: commemorate, memorialize, immortalize, immortalise, record]

Usage examples of "memorialise".

In absolute contrast the room also memorialised what Etienne Clodard the ex-colonial administrator had thought of as proper Parisian elegance when he was out there in the heat and barbarity of Africa: the florid wall-paper, the heavy glazed chintz of the curtains, the two intrusive over-stuffed armchairs.

We needed to have the best possible way of life memorialised and, as far as might be, made clear to all.

One wall was shelved: tattered, leather-bound volumes of statutes and decrees, a handbook on forensic science, a dictionary, an atlas, a Berlin street guide, telephone directories, box files with labels gummed to them - 'Braune', 'Hundt', 'Stark', 'Zadek' - every one a bureaucratic tombstone, memorialising some long-forgotten victim.