The Collaborative International Dictionary
Memoria \Me*mo"ri*a\, n. [L.] Memory.
Memoria technica, technical memory; a contrivance for aiding the memory.
n. One of the five canons of classical rhetoric: the discipline of memory and recall.
Memoria was the term for aspects involving memory in Western classical rhetoric. The word is Latin, and can be translated as "memory."
It was one of five canons in classical rhetoric (the others being inventio, dispositio, elocutio, and pronuntiatio) concerned with the crafting and delivery of speeches and prose.
The art of rhetoric grew out of oratory, which was the central medium for intellectual and political life in ancient Greece. Legal proceedings, political debates, philosophical inquiry were all conducted through spoken discourse. Many of the great texts from that age were not written texts penned by the authors we associate them with, but were instead orations written down by followers and students. In Roman times, while there was a much greater body of written work, oration was still the medium for critical debate. Unlike public speakers of today, who use notes or who read their speeches, good orators were expected to deliver their speeches without such aids.
Memoria was the discipline of recalling the arguments of a discourse. It generally received less attention from writers than other parts of rhetoric, as there is less to be said about the subject. However, the need to memorize speeches did influence the structure of discourse to some extent. For example, as part of dispositio, some attention was paid to creating structures (such as the divisio, an outline of the major arguments of a discourse) that would also aid memory. Some writers also discussed the use of various mnenomic devices to assist speakers.
But rhetoricians also viewed memoria as requiring more than just rote memorization. Rather, the orator also had to have at his command a wide body of knowledge to permit improvisation, to respond to questions, and to refute opposing arguments. Where today's speech-making tends to be a staged, one-way affair, in former times, much oration occurred as part of debates, dialogues, and other settings, in which orators had to react to others. Moreover, rhetoricians also recognized that the credibility of a speaker depended not just on the strength of his prepared arguments, but on the audience's perceptions of the speaker. In Greece, Rome, and the Renaissance, a speaker's familiarity of many areas of learning was seen as a virtue.
"Memoria" ( Spanish: Memory) is a song by Argentine group Erreway from their third album Memoria, released on 1 June 2004 (see 2004 in music). The song was written by Cris Morena and Carlos Nilson, and features all band members — Benjamín Rojas, Felipe Colombo, Camila Bordonaba and Luisana Lopilato — as lead vocals. Being a hit throughout Latin America, Europe and Israel, "Memoria" was also used as the official soundtrack for Erreway's 2004 film Erreway: 4 Caminos.
Memoria is the third studio album of Argentine band Erreway. The songs were written by Maria Cristina de Giacomi and Carlos Nilson, who also wrote for the albums " Señales (2002) and Tiempo (2003). The album was released in June 2004, and sold 500,000 copies only in South America. The songs "Asignatura Pendiente", "Vivo Como Vivo", "De Aquí, de Allá", "Solo Sé" and "Memoria" were used in the Erreway movie Erreway: 4 Caminos (2004).
Memoria refers to one of five canons in classical rhetoric.
Memoria or Memorias (Spanish), or Memórias (Portuguese) may also refer to:
Memoria is a 2015 American film directed and written by Vladimir de Fontenay and Nina Ljeti. It is based on a short story by James Franco, who stars in the film. It was released at the Austin Film Festival on November 2015, then an American release came out April 8, 2016.
Usage examples of "memoria".
Tamen tanta universae Galliae consensio fuit libertatis vindicandae et pristinae belli laudis recuperandae, ut neque beneficiis neque amicitiae memoria moverentur, omnesque et animo et opibus in id bellum incumberent.
But may I remind Pilot Teron that I am his senior in service by some years and that I have access to memory banks, mechanical memory banks, less prone to lapsus memoriae than the human mind?
Cum in omnibus locis consumpta iam reliqua parte noctis pugnaretur, semperque hostibus spes victoriae redintegraretur, eo magis, quod deustos pluteos turrium videbant nec facile adire apertos ad auxiliandum animadvertebant, semperque ipsi recentes defessis succederent omnemque Galliae salutem in illo vestigio temporis positam arbitrarentur, accidit inspectantibus nobis quod dignum memoria visum praetereundum non existimavimus.
Quod cum animadverterent oppidani miserrimaque Alesiae memoria solliciti similem casum obsessionis vererentur, maximeque ex omnibus Lucterius, qui fortunae illius periculum fecerat, moneret frumenti rationem esse habendam, constituunt omnium consensu parte ibi relicta copiarum ipsi cum expeditis ad importandum frumentum proficisci.
Harmhab, was the first to begin the damnatio memoriae of Akhenaton, and the Ramesside rulers were equally hostile to him.
Ferrari era el mayor, salvo un hombre viejo, de pocas y cansadas palabras, cuyo nombre es el único que no se me ha borrado de la memoria: don Eliseo Amaro.
Father Caspar describes it as a “Sphynx Mystagoga, an Oedipus Aegyp-tiacus, a Monad leroglyphica, a Clavis Convenientia Lin-guarum, a Theatrum Cosmographicum Historicum, a Sylva Sylvarum of every alphabet natural and artificial, an Archi-tectura Curiosa Nova, a Combinatory Lamp, Mensa Isiaca, Metametricon, Synopsis Anthropoglottogonica, Basilica Cryp-tographica, an Amphitheatrum Sapientiae, Cryptomenesis Patefacta, Catoptron Polygraphicum, a Gazophylacium Ver-borum, a Mysterium Artis Steganographicae, Area Arithmo-logica, Archetypon Polyglotta, an Eisagoge Horapollinea, Congestorium Artificiosae Memoriae, Pantometron de Furtivis Literarum Notis, Mercurius Redivivus, and an Etymologicon Lustgartlein!
Satis enim sufficit ei pro poena degradatio, quae est magna capitis diminutio, nisi forte convictus fuerit de apostatia, quia hinc primo degradetur, et postea per manum laicalem comburetur, secundum quod accidit in concilio Oxoni celebrato a bonae memoriae S.
En esta noche de sus ojos mortales, a la que ahora descendía, lo aguardaban también el amor y el riesgo, Ares y Afrodita, porque ya adivinaba (porque ya lo cercaba) un rumor de gloria y de hexámetros, un rumor de hombres que defienden un templo que los dioses no salvarán y de bajeles negros que buscan por el mar una isla querida, el rumor de las Odiseas e Ilíadas que era su destino cantar y dejar resonando cóncavamente en la memoria humana.
L'aveva fatto con la memoria addestrata del perfetto Osservatore, ripetendo le conversazioni parola per parola, ricostruendo il tono di voce e l'espressione in ogni minimo particolare.
Su defecto reside en no explicar lo realmente enigmático: los curiosos vaivenes de la memoria del coronel Tabares, el olvido que anula en tan poco tiempo la imagen y hasta el nombre del que volvió.
Bonfanti deploró la ausencia de Anglada: este polígrafo componía, esa tarde, una Historia Científica del Cinematógrafo, y prefería documentarse en su inefable memoria de artista, no contaminada por una visión directa del espectáculo, siempre ambigua y falaz.
Their names were erased from the diptych of the church: ex venerabili diptycho, in quo piae memoriae transitum ad coelum habentium episcoporum vocabula continentur, (Concil.
Cicero, in enumerating the qualifications of Trebatius, says, Accedit etiam, quod familiam ducit in jure civili, singularis memoria, summa scientia, which means that Trebatius possessed a still further most important qualification for a student of civil law, a remarkable memory, &c.