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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He was a great and prolific writer of everything from poems and personal memoirs to dazzling essays on painting and photography.
▪ Teall's aim was to publish the map and memoir of an area simultaneously and in some cases this was achieved.
▪ Bulger is also leaving behind bruised feelings on Beacon Hill because of his soon-to-be published memoirs.
▪ The Soil Survey of Great Britain publishes maps and memoirs which provide information on soil types and conditions.
▪ In 1924 she published a short memoir of her husband.
▪ This freed the geologists from this task and gave them more time to write memoirs.
▪ It occurred to her to write a memoir.
▪ Good progress was made with writing the sheet memoir.
▪ But purely as a piece of writing, her memoir noir is an ingenue performance.
▪ A fighter to the end, he was looking forward with some relish to writing his memoirs.
▪ He no longer wishes to emigrate and is planning to write his memoirs.
▪ Race is one of the issues Bradley has grappled with throughout his life, he writes in his memoir.
▪ And I have written a memoir trying to explain my ongoing fascination with her life and work.
▪ He was always talking about those memoirs.
▪ In his memoirs Eden wrote: I had long wished to bring National Service to an end.
▪ In the memoirs he recollected his response as follows: Three solutions are conceivable.
▪ Race is one of the issues Bradley has grappled with throughout his life, he writes in his memoir.
▪ The diary of this trip is Jaynes' droll and artfully composed memoir.
▪ Yet the memoirs of these survivors, their dirge, is rarely inscribed in the chroniclers' sentimental journeys.
▪ Zab finds herself using the now obsolete narrative conventions of the memoir.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Memoir \Mem"oir\, or pl. Memoirs \Mem"oirs\, n. [F. m['e]moire, m., memorandum, fr. m['e]moire, f., memory, L. memoria. See Memory.]

  1. A memorial account; a history composed from personal experience and memory; an account of transactions or events (usually written in familiar style) as they are remembered by the writer. See History,

  2. 2. A memorial of any individual; a biography; often, a biography written without special regard to method and completeness.

  3. An account of something deemed noteworthy; an essay; a record of investigations of any subject; the journals and proceedings of a society.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., "written record," from Anglo-French memorie "note, memorandum, something written to be kept in mind" (early 15c., Old French memoire), from Latin memoria (see memory). Meaning "person's written account of his life" is from 1670s.


n. 1 An autobiography; a book describing the personal experiences of an author. 2 Any form of narrative describing the personal experiences of a writer.

  1. n. an account of the author's personal experiences

  2. an essay on a scientific or scholarly topic


A memoir (from French: mémoire: memoria, meaning memory or reminiscence) is a collection of memories that an individual writes about moments or events, both public or private, that took place in the subject's life. The assertions made in the work are understood to be factual. While memoir has historically been defined as a subcategory of biography or autobiography since the late 20th century, the genre is differentiated in form, presenting a narrowed focus. A biography or autobiography tells the story "of a life", while a memoir often tells "a story from a life", such as touchstone events and turning points from the author's life. The author of a memoir may be referred to as a "memoirist."

Memoir (John McGahern book)

Memoir (published in North America as All Will Be Well) is an autobiographical account of the childhood of Irish writer John McGahern. It was published in 2005, and the writer died in 2006. It recalls, amongst other things, his formative years in the north-west of Ireland, the death of his beloved mother, Susan, and his relationship with his dark and enigmatic father. Themes from his childhood experiences run throughout his canon of fiction.

Category:2005 books Category:Irish memoirs Category:Literary memoirs Category:Works by John McGahern Category:Faber and Faber books

Memoir (disambiguation)

Memoir is a literary genre or a reminiscence, a subclass of autobiography.

Memoir may also refer to:

  • Mémoire, in French culture, a (usually short and incisive) piece of writing allowing the author to show his or her opinion on a given subject
  • Mémoires, a 1959 artist's book made by the French artist & theorist Guy Debord in collaboration with the Danish artist Asger Jorn
  • Memoir '44, a light war-themed strategy board game

Usage examples of "memoir".

I know well that prudes and hypocrites, if they ever read these Memoirs, will be scandalized at the poor lady, but in shewing her person so readily she avenged herself on the malady which had disfigured her.

Therefore, dear reader, I trust that, far from attaching to my history the character of impudent boasting, you will find in my Memoirs only the characteristic proper to a general confession, and that my narratory style will be the manner neither of a repenting sinner, nor of a man ashamed to acknowledge his frolics.

Miss Letty was altogether too wholesome, hearty, and high-strung a young girl to be a model, according to the flat-chested and cachectic pattern which is the classical type of certain excellent young females, often the subjects of biographical memoirs.

He came of a family of adventurers, and the reader of his Memoirs will remark how he continually ruined his prospects by his ineradicable love for disreputable company.

Further proof could scarcely be needed, but Baschet has done more than prove the authenticity, he has proved the extraordinary veracity, of the Memoirs.

I shall have to speak of him very often in these Memoirs, and my readers will make his acquaintance by his deeds better than by any portrait I could give of him, so I will merely say that he was a true Tartufe, a worthy pupil of Escobar.

MEMOIRS OF JACQUES CASANOVA de SEINGALT 1725-1798 IN LONDON AND MOSCOW, Volume 5c--THE ENGLISH THE ENGLISH CHAPTER X Eccentricity of the English--Castelbajac Count Schwerin--Sophie at School--My Reception at the Betting Club--The Charpillon I passed a night which seemed like a never-ending nightmare, and I got up sad and savage, feeling as if I could kill a man on the smallest provocation.

Elenor, whom the artful Fathom had debauched upon his first arrival in town, in the manner already described in these memoirs.

Casanova did not reach this period, in writing his Memoirs, but an account of this meeting is given by Da Ponte, who was present at it, in his Memoirs.

Eugenie Fonda back to the campsite, where he surreptitiously re-stashed her memoir in the Orvis bag.

PREFACE CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE CASANOVA AT DUX An Unpublished Chapter of History, By Arthur Symons I The Memoirs of Casanova, though they have enjoyed the popularity of a bad reputation, have never had justice done to them by serious students of literature, of life, and of history.

Baschet had never himself seen the manuscript of the Memoirs, but he had learnt all the facts about it from Messrs.

It is curious that this very important manuscript, which supplies the one missing link in the Memoirs, should never have been discovered by any of the few people who have had the opportunity of looking over the Dux manuscripts.

The reader of these Memoirs will discover that I never had any fixed aim before my eyes, and that my system, if it can be called a system, has been to glide away unconcernedly on the stream of life, trusting to the wind wherever it led.

I have lived without dreaming that I should ever take a fancy to write the history of my life, and, for that very reason, my Memoirs may claim from the reader an interest and a sympathy which they would not have obtained, had I always entertained the design to write them in my old age, and, still more, to publish them.