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Memiljeon is a variety of jeon or Korean style pancake, which is made from buckwheat and a couple of vegetables or kimchi. It is a traditional local specialty of Gangwon Province, where buckwheat is extensively cultivated due to the mountainous conditions and cold temperature. Especially memiljeon of Pyeongchang and Jeongseon County are famous along with memilmuk (buckwheat jelly) and memil guksu (buckwheat noodles), both of which are also made from the grain. The locals of the region prepare the dish for special occasions such as jesa, a Korean ancestor veneration ritual. Whenever the farmers' market called "Pyeongchang Market" is held in Pyeongchang every five days, merchants specializing in making memiljeon are numerous, as memiljeon has been gaining a popularity in South Korea these days.